Anticlastic Pliers
Bent Chain Nose Pliers
Chain Nose pliers
Flat Nose pliers
Miscellaneous Pliers
Plier Sets
Round Nose pliers
Synclastic Pliers
Synclastic Pliers w1/2" channel
Dimple Pliers 7mm
Dimple Plier 5mm
Channel Bracelet Maker Plier 3/4'
Double Cylinder Pliers 1'& 3/4'
Double Cylinder 5/8 & 3/4 Cylinders
Double Cylinder Pliers 1' & 5/8" Cylinders
Synclastic Pliers W/3/4 channel
Anticlastic Plier w/ 9/16 channel
Anticlastic Cylinder Pliers 3/8 channel
One Step Looper 2.25mm
Double Wrap n Tap Pliers 13,16,20mm
Chain Nose Nylon Jaw 120mm
MicorGrip Long Chain Nose Pliers 5in
Multipliers Chain/Round Nose Beadalon
Anticlastic Pliers W/5/16" Channel
5" Split Ring Pliers W/spring Box Joint Construction
PLR-461.50 Hard Wire Shear Cutter (memory wire)
Side Cutter w double leaf Spring and PVC handle, 120mm
Bent Chain Nose Pliers Micro Grip 5 Inch (127mm) With Spring
Flat Nose Micro-fine Pliers With Spring. 125mm
1.5mm Hole Punch Pliers with gauge guard (cuts up to 22g w neater hole)
Microgrip Side-cutter 4.5" (114mm)
Cougar's Choice Handheld Tools Pin Vise
Cougar's Choice Handheld Tools 3 Step Square Pliers
Pliers Bent Chain Nose Simply Modern
Cougar's Choice Handheld Tools Chain Nose
Pliers Long Chain nose w spring.
Cougar's Choice Handheld Tools Flat Nose Pliers
Cougar's Choice Handheld Tools Round Nose Pliers