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This page will be growing as I add information. A lot of what I have gathered has come from Dakata Stones and CherryTree Beads (Thanks guys!!), WIKIPEDIA and other sources.




(Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia, Tanzania, North America)  Composed of the minerals quartz and plagioclase feldspar, aventurine has a sparkly look since it contains specks of mica or hematite. Aventurine is commonly found in forest green, yet it may also be brown, blue, orange, yellow or gray. The name aventurine comes from an Italian word that means "by chance". Keep aventurine in a dark place, since it will fade in the light. Some wear aventurine, a stone of prosperity, to reduce stress, increase libido and to strengthen blood and muscle tissues.

African Blood Stone

African Green Jasper 
 (Africa) This stone is a single-colored opaque stone, ranging in color from a deep olive green to a pale spring green with brown banding or stripes. It was highly prized in ancient cultures and associated with many positive properties, including gaining the title of “the rain bringer” for its perceived potency in coaxing showers from the heavens and quelling storms that threatened ships. Chakra: Root/Heart. Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding, Wisdom, Balance.  Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7.
African Green Opal  (South Africa) is a form of Common Opal, an opaque stone that does not display the play of color seen in more precious Opals. It does have the distinctive lustrous pearly sheen of Common Opals, known as “opalescence.” Its color is primarily various shades of mossy green, with some rusty or reddish brown, and occurs in a variety of patterns and combinations of these colors. AKA Green Jasper.  Chakra: Heart. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing, Wisdom.  Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5.

African Turquoise (Africa) African Turquoise is not actually Turquoise, but rather a speckled teal Jasper found in Africa and often treated to simulate the beautiful blue to green associated with true Turquoise. It contains inclusions such as copper and iron, creating veins and mottling that ranges in color from rust to black. Considered a stone of transformation and evolution, it is believed to awaken those who carry it to their highest spiritual purpose. It is generally stabilized. Metaphysical Attributes: Transformation, Balance.  Mohs Hardness: 7.

Agate Agate is made up of banded stone with a blend of opaque and translucent layers. The banding is what often separates agate from other forms of chalcedony. Deposits containing agate are commercially mined on almost every continent (including Oregon in the United States). It is formed by layers of silica filling voids in other minerals. The layers form in stages, often with high contrast as riverbeds, ashfalls or other environmental elements change over time. Since they are filling in openings in (primarily) volcanic rock, agates are usually formed in rounded nodules or knobs. Each agate is unique, as it is created by filling a different shaped void. When the void fills entirely, a full agate is formed. When it is only partially filled by silica, the hollow center often becomes filled with crystalline quartz (called "druzy") lining the inside--a common component of geodes or "thundereggs." Metaphysically agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. It provides perceptiveness and awakens inherent talents. It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst, and to promote marital fidelity,  Moh's hardness 6.5-7

Agua Nueva Agate  (Mexico) Mohs Hardness: 7. Agua Nueva Agate is sourced from the Agua Nueva Ranch near Chihuahua City, Mexico. The stone ranges in hue from green, gold and lavender to earthy browns and rust reds, often with a mottled appearance. Agate was used for medicinal purposes in ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations, and its use for healing amulets and ornamentation dates back to the biblical city of Babylon. Chakra: Root. Metaphysical Attributes: Strength, Stability.
Amazonite   (Madagascar, Russia, Bazil)  Amazonite is a member of the feldspar family, Amazonite, also known as Amazon Stone, ranges in color from an opaque blue-green to green, often with white, yellow or gray inclusions and a silky luster or silvery sheen. It is named for the Amazon River in Brazil, where the stones were thought to have been originally found, however they are not currently mined there. Amazonite has a long history dating back to Mesopotamia where it was used in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And Amazonite ring was found among the treasures in King Tut’s tomb. Metaphysical attributes: Balancing Energy, harmony and universal love.  Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5.


(Baltic Coast, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Russia, North America) True amber, fossilized tree resin, is millions of years old and came from ancient pines and conifer trees that are now extinct. Some product marketed today as amber is tree resin, but not old enough to qualify as true amber. Amber is very light and though not a mineral it is considered precious and being so is the only precious "stone" that floats. Avoid exposing amber to alcohol, contained in many hairsprays and perfumes, or ether which may cause it to lose its luster. Amber, which some believe brings luck, may also help balance the endocrine and digestive systems. Amber may aid eyesight and help reduce swelling of the glands in the throat and lungs.

American Jade

 (South Africa, Brazil, Uraguay)  This stone is the birthstone of February and is a beautiful purple stone, known as a “Gem of Fire” by ancient cultures. It has been greatly sought after throughout history and was at times valued as highly as Diamond. Today, this semi to precious variety of quartz is found in many locations around the world. The presence of Manganese within the stone produces the purple hue, and variation of the amount of iron in the stone creates a color range from reddish purple to deep violet to light lilac. The name derives from the Greek word for “not intoxicated” and was once believed to prevent drunkenness and overindulgence. Chakra: Third Eye, Crown. Physical Attributes: Healing, Balance.  Mohs Hardness: 7.


(Peru).  A natural blue form of calcium sulfate, it is said to raise your state of conscious awareness and facilitates contact with your angels. It's also known as Angelita and Angelite Quartz. Metaphysical attributes: Awareness.  Mohs Hardness 7.


(Africa, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Myanmar, Russia, Spain, North America) Apatite is usually green, but it can also be blue, yellow, reddish-brown, violet, yellow-green, colorless or multicolored. Although classified as a single mineral, it is actually three different minerals. Metaphysical theory states that apatite can stimulate thoughts and ideas. Also, it may help people maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively and think clearly. Some believe it is good for controlling weight gain and fighting viruses while others say it brings love, harmony and peace.

Apple Jasper  (South Africa)  This stone carries the deep red to bright red hues of apples, frequently complemented by tans, ochre browns and deep greens. Jaspers are considered elemental earth stones, aligned with the electromagnetic energies of the world. Multi-colored Jasper is believed to carry the properties of its dominant color, as well as drawing energies from its less dominant colors. Chakra: Root, Heart. Physical Attributes: Grounding, Wisdom, Balance. Mohs Hardness 7.
Aquamarine   (Brazil), Bithstone of March. Aquamarine is a transparent to translucent stone ranging from cerulean blue to light blue in higher grades. In lower grades it can be transparent to opaque and is commonly light blue, green and yellow with white and gray inclusions. The name is the Latin term for “water of the sea.” Aquamarine was once thought to be the treasure of mermaids, as well as a lucky stone for sailors. Mataphysical properties – calming.  Chakra: Throat.  Mohs Hardness 7. 


(Norway) is a very rare, brown to golden-yellow hydrous potassium iron titanium silicate mineral. Astrophyllite gets its name from the Greek words astron meaning "star" and phyllon meaning "leaf". The mineral is heavy, soft and fragile, and was first discovered in 1854 in Norway.

Australian Butter Jasper   (Australia) Pale yellow color. Australian Butter Jasper is a relatively new variation of Jasper that definitely meets that criteria. Jasper has a long and illustrious history, and is traceable to virtually all ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians carved amulets of Jasper to be buried with their deceased to ensure safe passage to the afterlife. 



Bamboo coral (dyed) has replaced traditional coral in jewelry design due to red coral's depletion. Bamboo coral is not a protected coral species, as it is much more hearty and prevalent in the world’s oceans. Named "bamboo" because its skeleton is made up of deeply calcified gorgonin – or horny – nodes. When harvested, it ranges in color from white to cream. Dakota Stones has enhanced it with a durable 3-step resin-and-oil process to colors that mimic those found in nature. The color, Living Coral, was selected by Pantone as the 2019 Color of the Year. Metaphysical attributes are growth. Mohs hardness 3-4.
Birds Eye Rhyolite (Mexico) –  Bird’s Eye Rhyolite is named for its circular color formations of deep reds, light tans and earthtones. It was named "streaming rock" because of its beautiful bands, bubbles and crystal-rich layers that form as lava flows onto the surface of stone — and can look very different depending on how that lava erupts. Rhyolite has a non-crystalline composition similar to granite but with a smaller grain size. Metaphysical Attributes: Comfort.  Mohs Hardness: 6.
Black Agate

Black & Gold Amazonite 
(China) –  Amazonite is a member of the Feldspar family and varies in hue from robin’s egg blue to blue-green to black, occasionally mingled with rust-brown. This variety of Amazonite is actually a combination of Amazonite, Tourmaline and Pyrite. Amazonite is named for the Amazon River in Brazil, where the stones are thought to have been originally found, however they are not currently sourced from this region. Chakra: Heart, Throat. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing.  Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5.
Black Moss Agate - (Australia) Moss agate is a milky white to brownish opal with dark greenish inclusions that resemble moss. Moss opal may also be referred to as "dendritic opal" because of the tree-like appearance of the inclusions, or "dendrites", which comes from the Greek word, "dendron", meaning "tree".  It is not a true form of agatebecause it does not have concentric banding. Historically, Moss Agate has been considered a crystal of agricultural abundance and used as a healing stone by tribal priests and as a talisman for warriors.  Found in the US.  Helps with Stabilizing, Strength, Balance, Abundance. Chakra: heart.  Mohs hardness 7.
Black Onyx

Black Silver Leaf Jasper 
– (Africa) – Mohs Hardness: 7. This a rare form of Jasper, characterized by its color range of black, gray and white and its swirling, leafy patterns. It is believed to protect against threats and danger in high-risk situations, as well as facilitating prophetic dreams and visions. Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding, Protection.
Black Spinel  is a hard vitreous magnesium aluminum oxide that has been used as a gemstone for centuries. The beauty of spinel has caused it to be mistaken for ruby and sapphire in the past. However, spinel deserves to be recognized as a gemstone that is worthy of appreciation in its own right. Spinel occurs in a range of colors, such as rose pink to rich red; lavender to deep violet; light to deep blue, orange, yellow, brown and black. The name spinel is thought to have come from either the Latin word, "spina", meaning thorn, due to its pointed crystal form, or the Greek word for "spark", in reference to its bright color. Spinel has been mined for centuries and one of the most famous historical spinel gemstones is known as "the Black Prince's Ruby". As the name suggests, this is a red gemstone, which was thought to be a ruby. The "Black Prince's Ruby" was acquired by Edward, Prince of Wales in 1367. It is set into England's state crown and is held at the Tower of London. The rarest and most desirable spinel gemstones are vivid ruby-like red, followed by cobalt blue, bright pink and bright orange. Paler colors such as lavender tend to be more affordable. Other popular colors include black spinel, violet-blue, greenish-blue, grayish, mauve, yellow, brown and pink spinel. Spinel occurs with ruby and sapphire, and significant deposits have been found in Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and Thailand. Other locations where spinel deposits have been found are Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Nepal, Nigeria, Tadzhikistan, Tanzania and the USA. Mohs hardness 8.
Black Stone 

Black stone appears to be just what its name indicates – a stone dyed black or ink colored, sometimes natural. While it mimics onyx, it is discernible from this since it lacks the luster of onyx. One author, writing about gemstones, speculated that black stone could be reconstituted black obsidian, black agate, black onyx or simply a black rock. Due to this conundrum, it is impossible to narrow down its geographic location or suspected powers. Black has traditionally been used for protection and to absorb negative energy.

Black Tourmaline is a black crystalline aluminum borosilicate mineral with occasional light gray inclusions that appear as flecks or veins. Tourmaline is classified as a semiprecious stone and occurs in a vast array of colors, everything from colorless to black, from pastel to bright to dark. It can even exhibit various colors within the same specimen. Its name derives from the Sinhalese word “turamali,” which translates to “stone of many colors.” Due to this variety of colors, Tourmaline has often been confused with other stones. Many stones in the Russian crown jewels from the 17th century which were thought to be rubies are actually red Tourmaline. Tourmaline is 'one' of the official Birthstones of October, and it shares this honor along with Opal. Tourmaline is also the accepted stone for the 8th wedding anniversary allowing the gifter a wide range of color choices to select from when choosing a gem for this special day!Metaphysical Attributes include Protection and Grounding. Chakra: Root. Mohs hardness: 7-7.5.  
Bloodstone (India, Brazil, USA) most commonly refers to green Jasper with red inclusions consisting of Hematite. Naturally occuring in hues of blue-green to green with spots and streaks of red, Bloodstone was known in antiquity as Heliotrope, the Sun Stone. It has been treasured for its beauty throughout history and used extensively for adornment in jewelry as well as works of art. Metaphysical Attributes include Protection and Grounding. Chakra: Root, Heart. Mohs hardness: 7.

Blue Chalcedony (Nambia) is a naturally occurring soft blue translucent stone. It is a member of the Quartz family, a form of silica with a cryptocrystalline structure that incorporates Moganite along with the Quartz. Known in antiquity as the Speaker’s Stone, it is believed to have been worn Cicero, the great Roman orator.  Metaphysical attributes are wisdom and benevolence.  Chakra:  Throat.  Mohs hardness 6.5-7.

Blue Goldstone (Italy, China) is man-made and is an opaque, midnight blue glass with flecks of copper suspended within it. These flecks glitter as they catch the light and may appear white against the dark blue of the glass. Goldstone was first created during the Italian Renaissance when, as legend has it, a Venetian monk tipped molten copper into a vat of molten glass. When this combination crystallized, the result was glass permeated with thousands of tiny metallic sparkles. Mohs hardness is 5.5
Blue Lace Agate (South Africa) is a naturally occuring soft blue agate, laced with bands or swirls of brighter blue, periwinkle, white and occasionally gray or brown. It is one of the most rare and sought after forms of Agate. Agate is one of many varieties of banded Chalcedony, prized throughout history for its beautiful colors and patterns. It has been discovered with artifacts from cultures of the Neolithic Period, also known as the Stone Age, occuring 10,000 years ago. Metaphysical attributes: Encouragement and Clarity. Chakra: Throat, Third Eye. Mohs hardness: 7.
Blue Peruvian Opal (Peru) naturally occurs with swirling patterns of deep blues, blue-greens and greens swirled with yellow-green, rust, brown and orange. It is highly prized for its beautiful combinations of colors and for its opalescence — the pearly luster of the opaque stone. Peruvian Opal was considered by the Incas to be a gift from Pachamama, the Inca Goddess of Fruitfulness and Mother Earth. Metaphysical attributes: Healing. Chakra: Heart, Throat. Mohs hardness: 5.5-6.5.
Blue Topaz

Botswana Agate
 (Botswana). displays highly defined parallel banding, usually in white on hues of brown, gray, pink, tan, apricot and purplish red. Botswana Agate was formed nearly 187 million years ago by lava flowing in waves from long faults in the earth. This lava rolled across the landscape, depositing layer upon layer of Quartz silicate to create the banding and patterns now prized in Botswana Agate. Metaphysical attributes: Protection, healing and strength. Mohs hardness: 7.
Brecciated Jasper

(Canada, India, USA) is a brown stone with a bronze-colored metallic luster due to iron deposits within the stone. An orthoproxene mineral, it is believed to be a grounding stone that promotes certainty, decision making and creative thinking. Also called Weathered Hypersthene, Enstatite. Metaphysical attributes: Certainty, Creativity. Chakra: Sacral, Heart. Mohs hardness:   5.5.

Bumble Bee Jasper


Cacoxenite (Brazil) is the trade name for this naturally occurring blend of seven stone types. It was originally named for the visible inclusions of the mineral Cacoxenite. However, this stone, often called the "Super Seven" or "Melody Stone" contains Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Lepidocrosite, Goethite, and Rutile as well. Also know as Cocaxinite, Cacoxenite Amethyst, Goethite in Amethyst, Super Seven, Sacred Seven, Melody Stone. Metaphysical attributes include Healing and bringing harmony. Chakra: Third Eye, Crown. Mohs hardness 7.
Carnelian (Brazil, India, Australia, Russia, Madagascar, South Africa, Uruguay, USA) is a glassy, translucent stone that can appear with such bright orange hues that the ancient Egyptians called it “the setting sun.” Most deep red Carnelian has been heat treated to darken the beautiful orange and red tints that are created by iron oxides in the stone. Ancient warriors wore Carnelian for courage and power, and it has been used throughout history for various purposes, including to ward off illness and the Plague. Also know as Mecca stone. Metaphysical attributes are motivation and creativity. Chakra: Sacral, Root. Mohs hardness: 6.5.
Cat’s Eye (Madagascar) is a quartz stone that appears in a range of colors including white, gray, green, yellow and brown. The fibrous asbestos inclusions in the stone give it the flash that inspired its name. It is a form of Chrysoberyl, the third-hardest common natural gemstone, with a Mohs Hardness of 8.5, between Topaz (8) and Corundum (9). Metaphysical attributes include healing, prosperity and happiness. Mohs hardness: 8.5.

(Nambia) is a naturally occurring soft blue translucent stone. It is a member of the Quartz family, a form of silica with a cryptocrystalline structure that incorporates Moganite along with the Quartz. Known in antiquity as the Speaker’s Stone, it is believed to have been worn Cicero, the great Roman orator. Metaphysical attributes are wisdom and benevolence. Chakra: Throat. Mohs hardness 6.5-7.

Chrome Diopside

(Russian Diopside) is found mainly in Inagli, Siberia and more recently in Pakistan. Color ranges from light green to almost black and is frequently used as a less expensive substitute for emerald.  Green color is from Chromium content.  Color darkens with increasing size.  Mohs hardness is 5-6, so is not recommended for daily wear.  Chemical formula is CaMgSi2O6 with refractive index of 1.6-1.7

Emotional healing: Diopside is said to help release emotional blockages and negative energy, and to promote feelings of love, compassion, and forgiveness. Some say it can help soothe depression and reawaken self-confidence. Diopside is believed to promote spiritual growth and enhance one's connection to higher powers and to cleanse the human aura of negative energy and fill it with positive energy, attract wealth and help with difficult decisions. Diopside is said to be useful for people seeking rapid career growth.

 (USA) a hydrous copper silicate, is often mistaken for turquoise due to its rich blues and blue-greens. It often also occurs with colors of rust, copper, black, white and reddish brown in speckles, veins and brecciated patterns. It is a very soft stone typically found near copper deposits. Chrysocolla was first described by Theosphrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist who also named the stone, in 315 BCE. Also known as Chrysocolla Malachite and Azurite Chrysocolla. Metaphysical attributes include prosperity, calming and empowerment. Chakra: Throat. Mohs hardness : 2-4.

Chrysoprase is a bright apple green, translucent stone, whose color often caused ancient jewelers to confuse it with Emerald. A cryptocrystalline Chalcedony, its brilliant color comes from the presence of very small inclusions of Nickel compounds, as opposed to the presence of Chromium which creates Emerald’s green color. Chrysoprase is believed to balance the heart chakra and help one understand their needs and emotions. Metaphysical attributes are fertility, renewal and prosperity. Chakra: Heart. Mohs hardness 6-7.
Citrine is a transparent Quartz, ranging in color from pale yellow to golden yellow, honey or brown, giving it a similar appearance to Topaz. It may also contain rainbow-colored or sparkling inclusions. The name comes from the French word for lemon, “citron.” It was a prized gem in Greece as far back as 300 BCE. Birthstone for November. Metaphysical attributes are creativity. Chakra: Heart. Mohs hardness 7.

Crazy Lace Agate

Crystal Quartz
 is a naturally occurring clear and colorless Quartz. It is a crystalline form of Quartz said to have many divine properties including the ability to amplify and radiate the energy put into it and help individuals achieve their goals. Due to its color and clarity, until the 17th century Crystal Quartz was believed to be permanently frozen water. Also known as Rock Crystal, Rock Quartz. Metaphysical attributes are creativity. Chakra: heart. Mohs hardness 7.
Cuprite is a copper oxide mineral frequently found in association with copper deposits as well as azurite, chrysocolla, malachite and a variety of iron oxide minerals. Usually occurring in a deep red color, Dakota Stones Cuprite ranges from pale to deep blue-green, with flecks of light to deep red and patterns of copper brown. The name derives from “cuprum,” the Latin word for copper. Also known as Red Copper or Ruby Copper. Metaphysical attributes are strength and vitality. Chakra: Root. Mohs hardness 3.5-4.


Dalmatian Stone, incorrectly called Dalmatian Jasper, is pale gray, cream or beige-brown stone made of feldspar and quartz. with black or brown spots of iron oxide, tourmaline, or other mineral inclusions that resemble the coat of a Dalmatian breed of dog.

Dendritic Fossil Ocean Agate is not banded like other Agates, and therefore is not an Agate in the strictest terms. Rather than banding, this Agate has branch-like inclusions of iron or manganese, primarily in black or golden brown, within the colorless to milky white stone. Dendritic Agate is known as the Stone of Plentitude, believed to bring abundance and fullness to all areas of life. Metaphysical Attributes: Abundance, Strength, Stability.  Chakra: Root, Crown and Heart.  Mohs Hardness 7.

Dendritic Opal (Austrailia) White or Black.  This variety of opal is named "dendritic" for the small inclusions within it that resemble moss or ferns. These inclusions consist of iron, manganese and other metallic oxides captured during the forming of the rock. Opals are hydrated amorphous forms of silica, created when silica hardens within the fissures of other stones. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing, Growth.  Chakra: Solar Plexus.  Mohs Hardness 5.5-6.5.
Diopside (Russia) is a calcium and magnesium silicate mineral. It is transparent or translucent, and can display a nearly emerald green color due to the presence of Chromium within the stone. It is believed to increase one’s metaphysical connection with the earth.  Found in Russia. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing and Empowerment.  Chakra: Heart.  Mohs Hardness 5-6.
Dog Teeth Amethyst (Africa) has a purple and white striped appearance due to its combination of Amethyst and White Quartz. The name derives from the recurring chevron or “dog teeth” pattern of the stripes. Dog Teeth Amethyst is believed to help soften resistance to change and dispel negativity. AKA Dog Tooth Amethyst, Chevron Amethyst. Metaphysical Attributes: Change.  Mohs Hardness 7.
Dragon Blood Jasper (South Africa) is a variety of Quartz with veins of blood red that run through the predominantly light green to dark green stone. Dragon Blood Jasper is also called Dragon Stone, is a stone of creativity, courage, strength and personal power. It's actually not a Jasper, and hence it's also often known as Dragon Stone instead. The distinctive green color is from the epidote mineral, and the red color is from piemontite.Legend has it that the stone is the petrified remains of ancient dragons. Dragon Blood Jasper is thought to be a powerful healing stone that boosts courage, strength and vitality while supporting centeredness and grounding.  AKA Dragon Stone.  Metaphysical Attributes: Courage, Grounding.  Mohs Hardness 7.

Dragon Skin Agate - given the name due to the 

Dragon Vein Agate - Generally a clear or transparent/traslucent stone with colored veining.
Druzy (South Africa) is a mineral, usually a variety of Quartz, that has formed into tiny, glittering crystals with the sparkle of sugar or snow. It occurs worldwide, within or on the surface of other minerals. Druzy is created when water deposits crystals onto a rock’s surface. When the water evaporates and cooling occurs, the minerals are left behind and form into crystals on the rock. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing, Balance.  Chakkra:  Heart, Sacral. Mohs Hardness 7.
Dumortierite (South Africa) is an aluminum borosilicate mineral that varies in color from blue, green and brown to the more rare violet and pink. First described in 1881, the mineral was named for French paleontologist Eugene Durmortier (1803-1873). It is believed to bring the wearer water energy and to promote flow, control and orderliness. Metaphysical Attributes: Control.  Mohs Hardness 7-8.5.
“Dzi” Agate (China) is made to resemble beads first found in India between 1000 and 2000 BCE. These reproductions are designed in the traditional color, pattern and finish of the original Dzi beads. Authentic Dzi beads were used in ancient times in India, Tibet and other Asian countries, and those that still exist today have been passed down for generations. The original stones were often used as protective amulets and are usually scarred or pitted in places where they were ground off for use in traditional medicines. AKA Tibetan Agate.


Eagle Eye Stone -  Similar to Tiger's Eye, this gemstone in its polished state looks like what it would be like to capture smoke in a stone -- bottomless black mixed with white wisps, with every gradient of gray in between. Shiny and sparkling at the same time.
Elephant Skin Jasper (India) also known as Calligraphy Stone or Miriam Stone, features intricate light brown patterns on dark brown stones. Each stone is unique in terms of its patterns, as well as the amount of patterning. This stone is found in the Himalayan mountains in India and is comprised of a hematite and iron shell fossil.


(Brazil, Colombia, Zambia) The word emerald usually makes people think of green and this gemstone comes in a variety of green colors. The stone may contain small flaws, but these are part of the gemstone and not considered negative. Emeralds are quite porous and may be resin sealed for protection. This is fine as long as color is not added. Emeralds are thought to strengthen memory, quicken intelligence, and bring wisdom. The stone has also been used to drive away evil spirits and expose false friends. Some have used it to prevent attacks of epilepsy or to hold in the mouth as a cure for dysentery. Emeralds are said to preserve the chastity of the wearer and bring success in love.


Fancy Jasper (India) also known as Rainbow Jasper, ranges in color from light to dark green, deep red, tan, cream, pink and mauve. It is a chalcedony. Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding, Balance, Focus.  Mohs Hardness 7.
Feldspar Graphic

Fire Opal 
(Mexico) contains both Opal and the rhyolitic host material in which it is formed, which provides sufficient hardness for the stone to be cut. The name “Fire Opal” is derived from the translucent fiery oranges and reds for which the Opal is known, though it also can occur in dark brown and golden colors. Some specimens of Fire Opal produce iridescent flashes and are referred to as Precious Fire Opal or “Firmament Stone.” AKA Cantera Opal.  Metaphysical Attributes: Creativity, Prosperity, Protection.  Chakra: Root, Sacral.  Mohs Hardness 5.5-6.5.
Fluorite (China, Germany, USA) is a luminous, soft and glassy stone, sometimes referred to as “the most colorful mineral in the world.” It is one of the most sought-after minerals among gem and mineral collectors, second only to Quartz. The term “fluorescent” was inspired by Fluorite, one of the first fluorescent minerals ever studied. It is frequently fluorescent under ultraviolet light, and this phenomenon is thought to be due to impurities of yttrium or organic matter within the crystal lattice. Metaphysical Attributes: Creativity, Clarity.  Chakra: Throat, Third Eye.  Mohs Hardness 4.

Flower Agate (Madagascar) - is a type of Agate with opaque Chalcedony inclusions that resemble tiny floral formations. This mineral is a recent find out of Madagascar and has only been seen crystallized in the form of masses. It's usually found in a light pink color with white “flower” inclusions. Flower Agate is very popular amongst craftsmen and carvers, not only for its eye-catching colors, but also for its chemical durability. One might find this crystal cut into many forms such as palm stones, pyramids, obelisks, free forms, and even tumbled. Flower Agate helps one bridge the gap between emotions and reality by activating and connecting our heart and root chakras together. This unique effect can best be felt through deep meditation, with one solely focusing on their emotional body and it’s current needs.
Flower Jade (Japan, Myanmar, Guatemala, USA) is a form of Jadeite, a sodium aluminum silicate and one of the two minerals that are commonly known as “Jade,” the other being Nephrite. It may be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, lilac, pink, black, white or brown. Jade has been known and treasured for more than 6,000 years and has been revered as the ultimate “Dream Stone” since ancient cultures. Metaphysical Attributes: Balance, Peace.  Chakra: Heart.  Mohs Hardness 7.
Fossil Coral (Indonesia, USA)  is the prehistoric fossilized remains of the invertebrate reef builders that live in tropical oceans. Silica-rich waters create hardened deposits that preserve coral skeletons, resulting in fossils that are chalk-white, tan, gray, and brown as well as pink, red and yellow-orange. AKA Agatized Coral, Agatized Fossil Coral. Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding.  Mohs Hardness 6.5-7.



(Canada, Brazil, Czech Republic, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, North America) Garnets, usually red wine colored, give off a brilliance due to the way they highly refract light. Although not as common, garnets may also be seen in orange, pink, green, yellow, white and gray. Red Garnet is the most commonly known type of Garnet, which occurs in many colors. Garnet has been used for adornment and spirituality by myriad cultures and civilizations throughout history, its oldest known use being in Egypt more than five thousand years ago. Garnet is used today not only as an ornamental gem, but also for industrial purposes from watch gears and scientific instruments to sandpaper and other abrasives. Some believe that if garnets are carried close to the body they provide peaceful energy and balance while protecting the traveler from harm. They have been used to stimulate the bloodstream and pituitary glands, as well as to combat depression, lethargy and nightmares. They stimulate the root chakra and bring energy and vital life force into the body.

Gaspeite- (Canada, Australia, Tasmania) Gaspeite is an extremely rare pale to apple green mineral usually found near deposits of nickel sulfide. Gaspeite has been known to be used for healing problems with the heart, lungs and gallbladder. It is also said to help reduce distress, bring assurance, reduce ignorance and attract friendship.

Gem Silica
 is the rarest and highest form of Chrysocolla, crystallized and infused in Quartz. Gem Silica occurs in a vivid blue green color due to the presence of copper in the stone and is free of inclusions of other minerals. It was named and first described by the Greek philosopher and botanist Theosphrastus in 315 BCE. Metaphysical Attributes: Prosperity, Calming, Balance, Empowerment.  Chakra: Heart, Throat.  Mohs Hardness 2-4.
Golden Obsidian (Mexico) is a naturally occurring volcanic glass, shiny black with a golden sheen. Obsidian is produced when lava erupts from a volcano and cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. It is sometimes used for scalpel blades in cardiac surgery, as Obsidian can be formed into a blade many times sharper than steel surgical blades. AKA Sheen Obsidian, Gold Sheen Obsidian.  Metaphysical Attributes:  Grounding.  Chakra: Root.  Mohs Hardness 5-5.5.
Golden Yellow Jasper is a golden brown to mustard yellow stone with patterns that can appear strikingly similar to wood grain. Jasper has a long and illustrious history, having been worn by shamans, priests and kings and believed to be a powerful protection stone. Ancient Egyptians sometimes buried their dead with amulets of Jasper for safe passage into the afterlife. Metaphysical Attributes: Protection, Healing, Grounding.  Chakra:  Root.  Mohs Hardness 6.5-7.
Goldstone (Italy, China) is a manmade material, consisting of opaque rust-red glass with tiny flecks of glittering copper suspended within it. Goldstone was first created during the Italian Renaissance when, as legend has it, a Venetian monk tipped molten copper into a vat of molten glass. When this combination crystallized, the result was glass permeated with thousands of tiny metallic sparkles.  Mohs Hardness 5.5.
Green Aventurine (Brazil) is a green translucent quartz with glimmering metallic inclusions. Green is the most common color for Aventurine, but it can also occur as orange, brown, yellow, blue or gray. The color of Green Aventurine comes from Fushite particles within the quartz. It is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” and thought to be the luckiest of all crystals. AKA Green Quartz. Metaphysical Attributes: Prosperity, Luck.  Chakra: Heart.  Mohs hardness 6.5.
Green Forest Jasper (South Africa) ranges in color from a grayish blue-green to pale pink, mauve and dusty purple. It can be randomly spotted or display banded patterns of these colors. Jasper has a long and illustrious history, and is traceable to virtually all ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians carved amulets of Jasper to be buried with their deceased to ensure safe passage to the afterlife. Jasper was also considered a “rain bringer” by Native American cultures. Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding, Stability, Security, Strength, Healing.  Chakra: Root.  Mohs Hardness 6.5-7.
Green Garnet (Madagascar) can be among the most valuable of garnets, which come in a variety of colors. Occurring in sizes ranging from a grain of sand to the size of an apple, Garnet was used as far back as the Bronze Age. It has been prized both as an ornamental jewel and for its strong curative powers and protective energies.

Green Onyx- (Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, North America) mistaken for Emerald and Jade but differs in formation and structure. It is formed through the layering of Chalcedony and Quartz in a cryptocrystalline formation, whereas Emerald is a Beryl formation. The color of Green Onyx is a rich, deep green.   Metaphysical properties of onyx include strength, willpower and discipline.  Green onyx is associated with the planet Mercury.  It is known to repel negativity and give confidence. Mohs 6.5-7


Hematite (Africa) is an iron oxide and one of the few gemstones with a metallic luster. When tumbled it can have the look of polished steel. Hematite is black to steel-gray or silver-gray, as well as brown to reddish brown or red in color. Its name is derived from the Greek word for blood, “haima,” owing to its red appearance when sliced thinly or powdered.  Metaphysical Attributes:  Calming, Grounding.  Chakra:  Root, Crown.  Mohs Hardness 6.5.
Hemimorphite-    (Belgium, England, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Zambia, North America) This mineral is a zinc silicate that is rare due to the development of its crystals which end with dissimilar faces. While bright sky-blue is the most sought after color of hemimorphite it can also be found in pastel tones of white, green, blue, brown and yellow. It is associated with personal growth, optimism, good fortune, and creativity. Some seek help from it in healing ulcers, blood diseases and cellular disorders.

Herkimer Diamond (Quartz) 
(Herkimer County, NY) also known as Herkimer Diamond, is transparent quartz crystal with brilliant sparkle. The crystal naturally forms with 18 facets, with points at both ends (double terminated). It may be completely clear and colorless or smoky, sometimes containing rainbow inclusions, air bubbles or black carbon deposits. The mineral is named for the place where it is principally found, Herkimer County, New York. Similar crystals have been found in Arizona, Norway, China, Pakistan and Ukraine. Metaphysical Attributes: healing, creativity, meditation.  Chakra:  Crown, Third Eye.  Mohs Hardness  7.5.

Hessonite Garnet

(North America) is naturally white and often has a dark gray or black matrix. It can be mislabeled as white turquoise or buffalo turquoise. Since is it very soft and porous, It is often dyed to imitate other more expensive stones.Howlite may encourage reasoning and observation and aid progress and growth in knowledge. Some say it helps eliminate stress and anger and encourages patience and tact. It may also help the body absorb and distribute calcium as well as aid in the elimination or pain.

Hydro Quartz




Imperial Jasper (Mexico) occurs naturally in a beautiful range of colors including pinks, mossy greens, burgundy and milky white, with striking patterns of parallel banding. Jasper has a long and illustrious history, having been worn by shamans, priests and kings and believed to be a powerful protection stone. Ancient Egyptians sometimes buried their dead with amulets of Jasper for safe passage into the afterlife.  Metaphysical Attributes: Protection, Healing, Grounding.  Chakra:  Root.  Mohs Hardness. 6.5-7.
Impression Jasper -comes in a variety of colors and possibly more names. The material comes with variety of tan and crimson matrix colors which create a striking contrast to any color it may be enhanced. It is used to find clarity and inner peace. Mined in Hubei China.

(Tanzania) most commonly occurs in shades of blue-gray, violet or indigo. It’s color can shift in the light which is called “pleochroism.” According to Norse legend, Viking explorers used thin pieces of Iolite as the world’s first polarizing lens to help them determine the exact location of the sun for navigation.  AKA Water Sapphire, Dichroite. Metaphysical Attributes: Balance and Calming.  Chakra: Third Eye, Crown.  Mohs hardness: 7-7.5.
Iron Zebra Jasper (Africa) displays streaks or stripes of colors ranging from dark, rich browns and grays to lighter golden browns and creams. It has characteristics similar to Tiger Iron and Tiger Eye, including shiller — a sometimes iridescent bronzelike luster — in some stones. Metaphysical attributes include Grounding, Strength and Creativity.  Mohs hardness:  6.5-7. 


Jade (Nephrite) refers to an ornamental mineral, mostly known for its green varieties. The most common variety seen in the states (found in North America) is nephrite, a silicate of calcium and magnesium – mostly from western Canada.   Jade has been used for tens of thousands of years, initially as tools because of its hardness, but is prized, especially in Asian cultures, as a gemstone that is cut into many shapes and often given a high polish.  Metaphysical Attributes include creativity, protection, healing and wisdom.  Chakra: Heart.  Mohs hardness: 6-7.
Jasper- (Africa, Sicily, Venezuela, France, Germany and North America) 

is an opaque form of chalcedony. It comes in various colors including red, yellow, brown, green and less often in blue. Specimens of jasper are often given more specific names according to the pattern or appearance of the stones such as Leopard Jasper and Dalmatian Jasper.  Jasper has been purported to help bring rain and has been used as a protection against evil spirits and snake and spider bites. It supposedly helps cure gynecological problems and strengthen the stomach. Some believe it can encourage personal bravery and help people speak out and gain personal independence.

Jet Stone - Jet is similar to coal but is harder and more durable. It is a fossilized wood from the Araucania, which was a conifer tree from the Jurassic period, about 180 million years ago! Jet is a black, or sometimes very dark brown, stone that is primarily made of carbon. You can sometimes see a slight wood grain or pyrite inclusions. It has been called "black amber" as it can also be warm to the touch and become electrically charged if rubbed with a cloth, just like amber. Jet stones are said to have the power to release anger, grief, fear, and depression by bringing these feelings to the surface and forcing you to deal with them so that the healing may begin. It is something of an energetic filter cleansing negativity and alleviating emotional pain. It is also recommended to women in their first trimester to help them deal with the fear and anxiety of miscarriage. Holding and meditating with Jet stones can clear these feelings away.

K2 (Pakistan) is a stone recently discovered in the foothills of the mountain for which it is named, K2, in the Karakoram mountain range of Pakistan. It is a white granite with dark gray mottling that also exhibits blue or green spots, currently believed to be due to the presence of a copper-based mineral such as Malachite or Azurite. K2 is said to help one reach their highest consciousness and assist with grounding. Please be aware that K2 is generally sold untreated, and therefore contains unsealed granite. Unsealed granite may discolor when exposed to oil, chemicals, or dyes. A variety of granite sealing products are available online or through home improvement stores.  AKA K2 Granite, K2 Jasper, Raindrop Azurite.  Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding. Mohs Hardness 7.
Kabamby Ocean Jasper (Madagascar) is named for the village near where it is found in Madagascar and was first mined in 2002. It is known for its colors -- dark green and mustardy yellow, with accents of pink, red and white -- as well as for its opacity and patterns. Ocean Jasper is a commercial name for Orbicular Jasper, a variety of Jasper containing variably colored spherical patterns. It forms when Quartz and Feldspar crystallize in radial aggregates within other silica-rich stones, Rhyolite or Tuff. Ocean Jasper is believed to be linked to the lost city of Atlantis and to hold mystic knowledge.
Kambaba Jasper (Africa) is a sedimentary stone comprised of microcrystalline Quartz interlaced with Stromatolites — ancient fossilized colonies of primeval microorganisms. Stromatolites date back more than three billion years and are the oldest known fossils. Kambaba Jasper is one of the more exotic Jaspers, sometimes referred to as Crocodile Jasper for its deep green color and deep brown or black oval rings reminiscent of crocodile skin.  AKA Kambaba Stone, Crocodile Jasper, Crocodile Stone.  Metaphysical Attributes: Grounding, Protection.  Mohs Hardness 6.5-7.

Kashgar Garnet comes from the city of Kashgar which is the westernmost city of China. The properties of this stone are the same as other garnet but because of its green nature it has more emphasis on the healing properties. it is associated with the root chakra and is a great stone to re-energize, regenerate, and revitalize the person energetically and physically.

Kiwi Jasper (or sometimes known as Sesame Jasper) is a pale sea-foam green stone with black and clear crystal spotting. What give this stone its unique colour, is a mix of tourmaline, quartz and amazonite. Like all Jaspers, this is a nurturing stone and good for soothing nerves. This is often used in healing, and is a great stone for those suffering from an addictive or complusive behaviour.

Kunzite (Brazil) was named after a former Tiffany & Co. vice president, famed mineralogist and jeweler George Frederick Kunz, who first catalogued the stone in 1902. It is a variety of the silicate Spodumene, and forms naturally as a glassy, transparent stone. It can be colorless, pink, lilac, yellow or green, with darker shades being higher in value. Kunzite is prone to fading in direct sunlight. Metaphysical Attributes: Healing, Love.  Chakra: Heart, Crown.  Mohs Hardness 6.


Labradorite (Madagascar) is remarkable for the way its aggregate layers refract light, creating iridescent flashes of blue, gold, pale green or copper red. This effect is known as “labradorescence,” taking its name from the stone. Labradorite is usually gray-green, dark gray, light gray or black. It was discovered in Labrador, Canada in 1770 and named for the area, though it is referenced as a highly revered stone in much older Inuit tribal legends. AKA Spectrolite.  Metaphysical Attributes: Protection, Strength.  Chakra: Throat.  Mohs Hardness 6.
Lapis (Madagascar) is a deep blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized since antiquity for its intense color. During the Renaissance, Lapis was ground and processed to make the pigment ultramarine for use in frescoes and oil painting. It is not a mineral, but a combination of minerals, including lazurite, calcite, sodalite and pyrite.  AKA Lapis Lazuli, Denim Lapis.  Metaphysical Attributes: Wisdom, Creativity.  Chakra: Throat.  Mohs Hardness 7.
Larimar (Dominican Republic) is a translucent blue, turquoise and white stone that can have streaks and patterns of white, as well as red or brown either from oxidation or Hematite inclusions. It is a rare variety of Pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic. Copper within the Pectolite creates the beautiful blue and turquoise colors in the stone. The blue colors are photosensitive and may fade when exposed to excessive light or heat. AKA Dolphin Stone, Blue Pectolite, Atlantis Stone, Stefilia’s Stone.  Metaphysical Attributes: Wisdom, Healing.  Chakra: Throat.  Mohs Hardness 4.5-5.

 is rock from the molten center of the earth, once spewed through fractures in the planetary crust or from a volcanic eruption. Once cooled, the resulting rock is dark gray to deep black in color and riddled with pits and holes where air was trapped in the stone. It is believed to hold earth and fire energies and to aid in remaining calm and grounded. Metaphysical Attributes: Balance, Grounding, Protection.  Chakra: Root   Mohs Hardness  3-3.5.
Lavender Amethyst (USA, Uruguay, South America and Africa) is a transparent lavender variety of Amethyst, which forms in geodes and is generally found in clusters of crystal points. The presence of Manganese in the stone produces its color, while the amount of Iron in the stone varies its shade of purple. Amethyst has long been associated with February, the month the ancient Romans dedicated to Neptune, their water god, and it is the official birthstone of that month.  Metaphysical Attributes: healing and balance.  Chakra: Third Eye, Crown. Mohs Hardness  7. 
Lepidocrosite - An iron oxide-hydroxide mineral, Lepidocrocite forms when iron-containing substances rust underwater. It is commonly found in the weathering of primary iron minerals and in iron ore deposits, and can be red to reddish brown. When skillfully cut and polished, those substances add a delicate accent to the otherwise clear gemstone.
Lodolite is Quartz with inclusions of sand. Also known as Garden Quartz.  These inclusions range broadly in type and color and produce patterns that can look like gardens. This inspired the stone’s alias, Garden Quartz. Quartz has been highly valued by virtually every civilization throughout history, often used in healing and meditation and as religious objects in funerary rites and to dispel evil.   Chakra: Root.  Mohs hardness 7.

Madagascar Agate is a transparent, translucent or opaque stone in shades of milky white, orange, yellow, brown and gray. Agate is one of many varieties of banded Chalcedony, prized throughout history for its beautiful colors and patterns. It has been discovered with artifacts from cultures of the Neolithic Period, also known as the Stone Age, occuring 10,000 years ago. Madagascar Agate is highly regarded as a Dream Stone, useful in helping accomplish one’s dreams. February Birthstone.  Metaphysical Attributes: relaxation and contentment.  Mohs hardness is 7. 

Mahogany Obsidianis a natural glass obsidian that has inclusions of Magnetite or Hematite creating the mahogany colored patches in it. A protective and grounding stone that helps focus.
 (Russia, Africa) is a copper carbonate with a bright green color and dark green banding. Usually found near copper deposits, it is formed through the combination of carbonated water, limestone and copper. Famous malachite mines in the Ural mountains of Russia once produced 20-ton blocks of the stone, while today it is primarily mined in Africa. Malachite was used extensively as decoration in the palaces of Russian tsars and forms the columns of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. Metaphysical Attributes: protection and transformation.  Mohs hardness is 4.  Chakra: Heart.

Mexican Laguna Lace Agate is one of the most prized agates in the world. It is a variety of banded Chalcedony with layers that may contain scarlet, deep red, milky white, gray, yellow, gold and brown. It is found only in a four square mile area in a remote mountain range of Chihuahua, Mexico. It is said to help with healing.  Chakra: Root.  Mohs hardness 7.
Mexican Red Snowflake Jasper is a naturally occurring Jasper with deep red, bright red, pink and golden mottling and spots within the primarily black stone. Viking and Germanic legend tell that the sword of the hero Siegfried, the dragon slayer, had Red Jasper inlaid in its hilt. Mined in Mexico.  Mohs hardness 6.5-7.  It is said to help with grounding, protection and endurance.  Chakra: Root.
Mixed Impression Jasper is a composite made by fusing stone fragments using heat, pressure and a stabilizing agent or resin. The stone fragments remain clearly visible, creating fascinating patterns. Composite beads may also be called "mosaic beads" because of the visible fragments. The stone used to create composite beads is usually the remnants from cutting, making them a great way to incorporate upcycled elements in designs. AKA Mardi Gras Impression Jasper, Mosaic Beads.
Montana Moss Agate is an unusual Moss Agate in that it exhibits some banding, along with the dendritic inclusions of manganese and iron typical of Moss Agate. It is a transparent to translucent stone that occurs in milky white, gray and rusty oranges and reds with black, white, gray and brown banding and dendritic patterns. Historically, Moss Agate has been considered a crystal of agricultural abundance and used as a healing stone by tribal priests and as a talisman for warriors.  Originates in the US.  Helps with Stabilizing, strength, balance and abundance.  Chakra: Heart. Mohs hardness 7.


Rainbow Moonstone
 is named for its moon-like glow or chatoyancy, as well as a prismatic quality that differentiates it from other varieties of Moonstone. Moonstone is a Feldspar mineral that was used in Roman jewelry nearly 2,000 years ago. It has also been considered a sacred stone in India throughout its history, believed to have a special significance to those in romantic relationships. It is said to help with Protection and love.  Chakra: Crown.  Mohs hardness 6-6.5.
Morganite is a rare type of Beryl, like Emerald and Aquamarine, and was first discovered in 1910, at Pala in California. Named for J.P. Morgan, the American banker and gemstone collector, Morganite has been adopted as a professional stone of lawyers for ensuring fairness. It is a great stone for new business to gain a foothold in the market, and is the perfect talisman to take to meetings with bank managers and accountants to receive fair treatment. All Beryls, including Morganite represent purity of being and actualizing potential. Morganite encourages fair treatment to others, especially those with mental or emotional problems or physical illnesses that make them hostile to others. Morganite opens and heals the heart chakra, helping to overcome fear, resentment and anger, and in recognizing unfulfilled emotional needs and feelings which have gone unexpressed.
Moss Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, clear to milky white to dark green, with inclusions that appear in patterns similar to moss or lichen. The inclusions are of manganese or iron, and typically appear in light yellow-green to blue-green to deep moss green. It is not a true form of agate, because it does not have concentric banding. Historically, Moss Agate has been considered a crystal of agricultural abundance and used as a healing stone by tribal priests and as a talisman for warriors.  Found in the US.  Helps with Stabilizing, Strength, Balance, Abundance. Chakra: heart.  Mohs hardness 7.

Mystic Topaz is also known as Fire Topaz, Mystic Fire Topaz, Alaskan ice and Rainbow Topaz. These are all dissimilar names used to explain the same stone which is White Topaz treated by titanium mist to instill the stone with an enduring rainbow of colors. So it is a natural stone that has been treated to enhance it's looks.  Mohs Hardness 8.


Nellite- (Nambia, South Africa) discovered around 1910 alongside peitersite, also known as Lionskin or Honey Stone, is a Quartz silicate that crystallizes in the form of masses. It occurs when Tiger Eye and Pietersite meet and is thus a combination of both. The blue and golden minerals meet to form an extremely rare and unique appearance that glistens and shows it's true chatoyancy.  Mohs hardness is 6.5-7. Metaphysical properties run similar to Tiger Eye and Pietersite.

Nephrite Jade
(see Jade above)

New Jade 
is a member of the Serpentine group of minerals; it is typically light green in color and sometimes contains smoky patterns or dark inclusions. It often used to enhance ones love life, or to advance careers. It also helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

Noreena Jasper- (Western Australia) is a silicified mudstone known for its rusty red with cream/yellow tints.  Mohs hardness is 7. It is said to bring comfort/healing, grounding and security

Ocean Jasper is a commercial name for Orbicular Jasper, a variety of Jasper containing variably colored spherical patterns. It is found in northwestern Madagascar only. It forms when Quartz and Feldspar crystallize in radial aggregates within other silica-rich stones, Rhyolite or Tuff. Ocean Jasper is believed to be linked to the lost city of Atlantis and to hold mystic knowledge.  Originates in Madagascar and helps with Grounding, Peace, balance, communication, clarity and strength.  Chakra: Root.  Mohs hardness. 7.
Onyx is a black and white banded Chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline Quartz. It is often thought of as an all-black stone, and much of the black Onyx on the market has been artificially colored. Onyx has been both revered and feared throughout history. It is referenced in many sacred texts and historical manuscripts and is the first precious stone mentioned in the Bible. However in some regions, such as China, it was feared for centuries as a bad luck stone.  Found in Mexico and Pakistan.  Helps with strength, grounding, wisdom and helps release negative emotions such as sorrow and grief.  Chakra:  Root, Crown.  Mohs hardness 7.

Opal - (Australia, Ethiopia) Precious opals display 'opalescence' (spectral color, irridescence that changes with the angle at which the gem is viewed). They can be lighter in color (white or yellow) and contain flashes of color or have a darker color to the backgound with with obvious color (black opals).  Black opals are more rare and can be much more expensive.  Lighter opals can be darkened with radiation.  90% of opals come from Australia.  Common opal is generally opaque with no or very little flash.  Opals are generally lighter in weight than most other stones, making them easy to spot fakes (taking about common opals).  Common opals come in a very wide variety of colors.  Bolder Opal is found in Colorado (um, Bolder originally) and generally has opal flash in "rivers" that runs through the stone and can be quite interesting!!
Opalite- is a soft and subtle yet dynamic iridescent man-made glass resin composed primarily of the mineral dolomite fused with metal to produce an opalescent appearance. Natural Opalite is a stone that comes from opalised volcanic ash.

Orange Sodalite 
- Sodalite is a deep blue mineral named after its sodium content. We are pleased to feature this special variety with its calcite inclusions, usually white, decorated with iron, presenting a beautiful rosey orange glow. This stone was first discovered in Greenland in 1811 and this orange variety is now being mined in Africa. Sodalite is said to help bring rational thinking, inner peace, and a calming energy to its wearer. Orange Sodalite embodies the best of two Pantone 2015 Spring Colors. The strong and reliable color of this Classic Blue is energized with a friendly Tangerine edge.




(Austria, Northeastern Spain)- is a metamorphic rock composed of Dolomite, Graphite and Magnesite.  Also known as Pinolith.  It is a Black and white dolomitic marble that contains 5-15mm lathe shaped crystals of Magnesite. It can be fragile and fracture when cut/polished. Mohs hardness is 4.5-5. Pinolith is believed to encourage optimism and balance and can produce a calming effect.  It is thought to repel negativism.

Polychrome Jasper


Purple Emerald
  - You have got to be kidding me....  This is a marketing scam.  Emerald is Green!  Purple Emerald is actually Lepidolite (which is very pretty on it's own) which does have some green in it sometimes which is probably the reason they tried to market it as "Purple emerald."





Red Lightning Agate is a form of microcrystalline quartz, It is usually formed in nodules and has transparent or translucent portions. Red Lightning is an old stock agate material from Mexico. Known for its bright red plumes, and occasionally green ones, in a milky bluish white matrix. Metaphysically agate can be used to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. It provides perceptiveness and awakens inherent talents. It has been reported to strengthen the sight, to diminish thirst, and to promote marital fidelity,  Moh's hardness 6.5-7

Rhyolite is an extrusive igneous rock with a very high silica content. It is usually pink or gray in color with grains so small that they are difficult to observe without a hand lens. Rhyolite is made up of quartz, plagioclase, and sanidine, with minor amounts of hornblende and biotite.

Rutilated Quartz -(Brazil, India) is a variety
oquartz which contains acicular (needle-like) inclusions of rutile. Rutile is a type of titanium These inclusions mostly look golden, but they also can look silver, copper red or deep black. They can be distributed randomly or in bundles, which sometimes are arranged star-like, and they can be sparse or dense enough to make the quartz body nearly opaque. While otherwise inclusions often reduce the value of a crystal, rutilated quartz in fact is valued for the quality and beauty of these inclusions.  Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth.  Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past.  Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others.  Rutilated quartz helps with self control, self reliance and improves strength of will. 

Rutilated Topaz - Rutilated Topaz is harder than rutilated quartz, has more brilliance, and its inclusions are different than Rutilated Quartz (its inclusions are Limonite rather than Rutile).


Sky Eye Jasper (Mexico) is an orbicular jasper and appears in magnificent shades of soft foggy grey, turmeric yellow, earthy tan, and delicate rosewater pinks. Sky Eye Jasper is, like other jaspers, a combination of chalcedony and quartz. It is said to facilitate nurturing behaviors and benefit healing. Jaspers are in general associated with the root chakra.

Snowflake Obsidian- (Italy, Scotland and the U.S.) is a type of Obsidian that gets its “snowflakes” from inclusions of the white mineral, Cristobalite. This variety of Obsidian is found in North and South America, as well as small localities in Africa and Asia. naturally occurring volcanic glass is formed when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. This glass form later transmutes into a rock, with sunburst-shaped spherlite inclusions forming in the stone. Chakra - Crown.

Sodalite is a rare mineral best known for its blue to blue-violet color. It has a chemical composition of Na 4 Al 3 Si 3 O 12 Cl and is a member of the feldspathoid mineral group. High-quality sodalite is used as a gemstone, a sculptural material, and an architectural stone.  The deep, rich blue coloration of the stone also gives it a soothing and calming energy, which helps to put your spirit at ease. This specific combination of energies makes the Sodalite crystal an ideal healing tool for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual growth, strengthen their self-expression. Sodalite is a very flexible stone that you can pair with several stones and crystals, especially if you want to attract good luck, wealth, and abundance. For Luck And Success Combine Sodalite with Serpentine , Iolite , Goldstone , Turquoise , Red Jasper , Peridot , Hematite , Carnelian , Fluorite , Aventurine , and Agate for luck and success.  Chakra Third Eye/Throat.

Solar Quartz is a natural agatized quartz sliced from stalactites in clear, white, or gray, and sometimes found with mossy inclusions. It will connect the spirit and give you strength and clarity in all aspects.

Sonora Dendritic Rhyolite Jasper -(Mexico) is mainly composed of feldspar, mica and quartz that was created by lava flowing over rock. It is often connected to change, progress and creativity.

Sonora Jasper (Sonora, Mexico) is more commonly known as Sonora Sunrise is a trade name for an eye-catching red and green gem material. It occurs naturally as a rock composed mainly of bluish-green chrysocolla and bright red cuprite. That color combination can be cut into beautiful cabochons that suggest a green landscape under a brilliant red sky. The red sky and its Sonora, Mexico origin were combined to make the "Sonora Sunrise" name.Small amounts of black iron or iron oxide minerals are present in some specimens. These are usually concentrated at or near the boundary between the chrysocolla and cuprite - suggesting mountains or outcrops of dark rocks on the horizon. Chalcotrichite, an orange variety of cuprite, is abundant in some specimens.

Sugilite (SOO-gi-lyt) is a relatively rare pink to purple cyclosilicate mineral .  It is also known as the healer’s stone because of its excellent abilities to enhance healing. It’s good for curing headaches and other pains in the head because of the stone’s high manganese content. It can help ease feelings of discomfort.  Mohs hardness: 6-6.5.  Chakra - Crown.  It also comes in black which is very popular.

"Super 7" -Cacoxenite (Brazil) is the trade name for this naturally occurring blend of seven stone types. It was originally named for the visible inclusions of the mineral Cacoxenite. However, this stone, often called the "Super Seven" or "Melody Stone" contains Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Lepidocrosite, Goethite, and Rutile as well. Also know as Cocaxinite, Cacoxenite Amethyst, Goethite in Amethyst, Super Seven, Sacred Seven, Melody Stone. Metaphysical attributes include Healing and bringing harmony. Chakra: Third Eye, Crown. Mohs hardness 7.  Was previously considered a low grade of Amethyst which was heavily included, but is actually very pretty (at least I think so....)


Tanzanite is the blue and violet variety of the mineral zoisite (a calcium aluminium hydroxyl sorosilicate), caused by small amounts of vanadium. Tanzanite belongs to the epidote mineral group. Tanzanite is only found in Tanzania, in a very small mining area (approximately 7 km (4.3 mi) long and 2 km (1.2 mi) wide) near the Mererani [sw] Hills. Tanzanite is noted for its remarkably strong trichroism, appearing alternately blue, violet and burgundy depending on crystal orientation. Tanzanite can also appear differently when viewed under different lighting conditions. The blues appear more evident when subjected to fluorescent light and the violet hues can be seen readily when viewed under incandescent illumination. In its rough state tanzanite is colored a reddish brown to clear, and it requires heat treatment to remove the brownish "veil" and bring out the blue violet of the stone.  It was given the name 'tanzanite' by Tiffany & Co. after Tanzania, the country in which it was discovered. The scientific name of "blue-violet zoisite" was not thought to be sufficiently consumer friendly by Tiffany's marketing department, who introduced it to the market in 1968. In 2002, the American Gem Trade Association chose tanzanite as a December birthstone, the first change to their birthstone list since 1912

Tiger Iron - (or tigereye matrix) is a quartz-lignite aggregate gemstone containing layers of vibrant golden tigereye, metallic grey hematite and rich, red jasper.  Tiger iron is also sometimes called mugglestone which most likely comes from mucklestone found in Great Britain which has less contrasting colors than Tiger Iron.  Generally Tiger Iron is found in Western Austrailia.  Mohs hardness is 5-7.  Chakras are root, sacral and solar plexus due to the combination of colors and this stone is felt to be a grounding stone as well as an energizing stone.  It is paired carefully with other stones since it is considered a very powerful stone and may "supercharge" the others.  It has healing properties (red jasper).  Found also in Mexico, Brazil and the Great Lakes (US) areas.  Chemical composition is SiO2 with Fe2O3.

Tourmalinated Quartz - is found in many mining locales, the biggest of which is Brazil. What makes all quartz gems interesting is they have piezoelectric properties which means conduct electricity when any amount of voltage is applied. Piezoelectric minerals can also generate a charge upon the application of pressure or when the temperature of the immediate environment changes. Fast changes in temperature have been known to trigger the piezoelectric effect in many kinds of quartz. Microcrystalline quartz (in the case of tourmalinated quartz) is clear, with black, thread-like inclusions of tourmaline.  Tourmalinated quartz is primarily a grounding crystal and is known to unify opposites harmoniously.  This crystal has a strong link to the Third Eye chakra, making it an excellent option for people born with natural psychic talents.  It is the gemstone of Capricorn and is entwined with the nourishing and building powers of the Earth. Mohs Hardness 7.

Turritella Agate is the popular name used for a brown, translucent to semi-transparent, fossiliferous agate found in the Green River Formation of Wyoming. It is very easy to recognize because it contains large fossil snails that stand out in a white-to-tan color that contrasts with the brownish agate. This organic gem material was incorrectly named decades ago when the christener thought that the spectacular spiral-shaped gastropod (snail) fossils entombed within the stone were members of the marine Turritellagenus. That was a mistake. Instead, the fossils are of the freshwater snail, Elimia tenera, a member of the Pleuroceridae family.  Stone properties are protection and strength.Turritella Agate is a great healing crystal that overcomes bitterness and negativity of your heart. It gets rid of anger, fosters love and dissolves internal tensions.



Variscite (Germany, Utah, Nevada, Spain, Brazil, Wyoming, Austrailia and Poland)is a hydrated aluminium phosphate mineral (AlPO4·2H2O). It is a relatively rare phosphate mineral. It is sometimes confused with turquoise; however, variscite is usually greener in color. The green color results from the presence of small amounts of trivalent chromium. Variscite was first described in 1837 and named for the locality of Variscia, the historical name of the Vogtland, in Germany, but has been found in Utah as well (was called Utahlite). Variscite from Nevada typically contains black spiderwebbing in the matrix and is often confused with green turquoise.  Mohs Hardness 3.5-4.5.  Metaphysical properties.  Considered a grounding stone due to it's green color and for gathering wealth.  It is said to calm the brain and reduce anxiety as well as improving intellectual and logic functioning.


Wampum Originally found in Pennsylvania and made by Native Americans from shells as early as 1510. These beads are recognized as the first currency in America and were originally white shell beads from the columella shell (the spiral portion), but currently in the bead world is generally the quahog shell which is a lovely purple and white.  Making the beads is very labor intensive making the beads pricey.  They are relatively rare.

White African Opal

Wood opalite
is a form of petrified wood, also known as fossilized or agatized wood. It most commonly occurs with jasper or chalcedony. Petrified wood occurs after a tree has turned completely into stone by the process of permineralization, a process that takes over 100 years. Metaphysical Properties: Petrified wood is associated with patience and slow, steady growth.